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and flower community,

As fall creeps in, the time has come for us to announce that 2023

will be our final year of business.

Your smiles and enthusiasm over local flowers

filled our hearts everyday.

At this time, we are suspe
nding new orders.

All existing orders will be filled,

and wedding clients will be non effected. 

If you have *new* floral needs we recommend our local friends at:

Seattle Wholesale Growers Market
*now fully open to the public, all domestically produced*

Gratitude Flowers
*open seasonally, all domestically produced*

Janell's Flowers and Pies
*open year round, not fully domestically grown*

Three Sisters Blooms
*adorable flower cart in federal way. open seasonally. instagram @threesistersblooms*

Edgewood Nursery and Garden
*quant neighborhood nursery with a great selection and wonderful staff*
Plants only, no fresh cut flowers.


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